Monday, February 18, 2013

Skip the Chips!!

Hands, there is just something special about them! They hold things (like your hubby's hand), they carry babies, change diapers, they give high fives and fist bumps,wash dishes, there's no denying...hands work hard! So for all that hard work, don't you think the least you could do is treat them well!?  I'm going to share with you the "trick" to a longer lasting manicure, because we all know with all that work we do our nail polish has to work as hard as we do!

Begin by removing all old nail polish, then lightly file the edges and tops of nails to remove any buildup and smooth ridges. Next gently push back your cuticles trimming where necessary, and finally, then wash your hands/nails thoroughly with soap, water utilizing a nail brush .  After your hands/nails are completely dry
apply a good basecoat, I prefer Creative's Stickey and I personally purchase mine at Donna's in Wise.  This week I decided to purchase "Butter by London" nail polish, I found some beautiful colors at Ulta for only $15!!  Apply your first color coat and follow with a SECOND color coat while the first is still somewhat wet.  After you've applied your two color coats, begin thinking about your accent! Every woman knows you have to accentuate things, nothing is allowed to be plain jane in Lou's house!  I personally prefer a glitter coat on the ring finger (imagine that!).  After applying my bling to the ring finger nail, I proceed to apply 2 layers of topcoat (this week I used Hardwear PD QUICK Topcoat produced by Butter by London)  making sure I swipe the end of the nail completely and then allow nails to dry completely.  Last but not least, I always finish with Solar Oil to prevent dry cuticles!  Attention to details ladies, life is about details!  

Now that your nails are all gorgeous, be sure you take extra good care of the whole hand by moisturizing!  Personally I moisturize with the Organic Coconut Oil I mentioned in my last blog entry, but to treat and prevent any skin discoloration on the backs of my hand I put Nerium on them every night!  

Remember, Pretty is as pretty does so do all you can to be beautiful!


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your nails! I need some butter, Ulta here I come!
