Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Skin You're In

Skin, it's the largest organ of the body, it keeps all your insides in and all the outside germs out (most of the time), you couldn't survive without skin but you'd never know it by the way we treat it!  That being said, let's talk about basic body skincare!

We all know the basics of soap, water, and lotion but how many of us pay attention to our skin's reaction to these?  I'm going to give you some tips, starting with EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE!  Each day we shed and replace over 14,000,000 skin cells!  That's a lot of skin!  If we fail to properly exfoliate the skin during our daily showering/bathing routine there is a higher occurrence of things like acne, blackheads, and ashy skin.  Step 1 of skin care is, ALWAYS Exfoliate!  Step 2: Always use a gentle moisturizing cleaner for the body! My personal preference of the moment is Victoria's Secret Lost in Love bodywash!  After bathing and exfoliating, ALWAYS remember step 3, which is to moisturize while your body is still warm from the bath or shower because the pores are still open and ready to soak up the moisturizer!  I also apply Nerium AD to my body 3 times per week to tighten up the skin all over my body!  On days I don't use Nerium on my whole body, I still use it on my face and I moisturize the rest of my body with a good moisturizer.  Keep in mind ladies it is Winter right now but Spring/Summer is right around the corner and so is bikini season!  You won't want to slip into that itsy bitsy teenie tiney polka dot bikini if your skin is not in awesome shape!!

Remember pretty is as pretty does so do all you can to stay beautiful!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beauty, it doesn't get any more REAL than this!

Locked in your bathroom working furiously to brush, rush, curl, paint the barn, and toss some jewelry on!  Everyday nearly every woman in America has a similar experience; the alarm clock goes off at an hour that should be a sin, up she jumps to ready breakfast, her children, her husband and finally to take that final five minutes to slap on some makeup and pray it covers the everdarkening circles beneath her eyes.  So I guess you're wondering why Lou (photographed above) has the look of flawless skin?  The answer is, although she cannot change her hectic lifestyle with 6 (yes..6!) children and step-children ranging in age from 15 to 30s, Lou has discovered a way to look well rested even when she is run ragged and that secret is  Nerium AD.  Lou knows that firm smooth skin makes for a great foundation upon which to "paint the barn"!  For more information on this and other beauty products, tips, and tricks keep your eye on this blog!  Tomorrow we will bring to you a video tutorial on creating that smoldering smokey eye look with whatever eyeshadow you have on hand!

Remember!  Pretty is as pretty does, so do all you can to stay beautiful!



Monday, February 18, 2013

Skip the Chips!!

Hands, there is just something special about them! They hold things (like your hubby's hand), they carry babies, change diapers, they give high fives and fist bumps,wash dishes, there's no denying...hands work hard! So for all that hard work, don't you think the least you could do is treat them well!?  I'm going to share with you the "trick" to a longer lasting manicure, because we all know with all that work we do our nail polish has to work as hard as we do!

Begin by removing all old nail polish, then lightly file the edges and tops of nails to remove any buildup and smooth ridges. Next gently push back your cuticles trimming where necessary, and finally, then wash your hands/nails thoroughly with soap, water utilizing a nail brush .  After your hands/nails are completely dry
apply a good basecoat, I prefer Creative's Stickey and I personally purchase mine at Donna's in Wise.  This week I decided to purchase "Butter by London" nail polish, I found some beautiful colors at Ulta for only $15!!  Apply your first color coat and follow with a SECOND color coat while the first is still somewhat wet.  After you've applied your two color coats, begin thinking about your accent! Every woman knows you have to accentuate things, nothing is allowed to be plain jane in Lou's house!  I personally prefer a glitter coat on the ring finger (imagine that!).  After applying my bling to the ring finger nail, I proceed to apply 2 layers of topcoat (this week I used Hardwear PD QUICK Topcoat produced by Butter by London)  making sure I swipe the end of the nail completely and then allow nails to dry completely.  Last but not least, I always finish with Solar Oil to prevent dry cuticles!  Attention to details ladies, life is about details!  

Now that your nails are all gorgeous, be sure you take extra good care of the whole hand by moisturizing!  Personally I moisturize with the Organic Coconut Oil I mentioned in my last blog entry, but to treat and prevent any skin discoloration on the backs of my hand I put Nerium on them every night!  

Remember, Pretty is as pretty does so do all you can to be beautiful!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why Not Just PAINT The Barn?

The skin beneath all the"warpaint" on any woman is the seat upon which all facial beauty is dependent. Painting a barn continually without ever checking it's foundation is wasting time and money!  Skincare is an investment! You wouldn't build a house without pouring a solid foundation on land that perked properly, so why would you ever just slap a coat of paint on your skin without properly preparing it first!?  This being said, I will share my personal skincare regimen with you!

Each night prior to falling into my bed (late as usual) I wash my face with Philosophy Purity foaming facewash to remove all my "paint", this is a relatively cheap cleanser found at many retailers for around $20 for a 4-6 week supply! After thoroughly cleansing my face, I use T.N.Dickinson's Witch Hazel astringent pads, they're relatively rough feeling so they are great for scrubbing away dead,dry skin! These witch hazel pads are easily found at your local Wal-Mart and cost only around $5 for a 4-6 week supply!
With all the "scrubbing" being complete I move on to what I call my "WMD" (weapon of mass destruction) against all signs of aging skin NERIUM AD.  I dampen my face with a warm/hot wash cloth letting it sit on my face for around a minute to open all my pores so they will completely absorb this stuff (you don't wanna miss a drop of Nerium !).  I squirt 5-6 pumps of my Nerium onto my hands and smooth onto my face, neck, decollete` and backs of my hands.  As I use this before bed, in just 7-10 s i e up to younger looking skin! When I wake in the morning, my skin is already clean from the night before so I simply splash my face with warm water, pat dry, and then apply 100% pure organic coconut oil as a moisturizer.  This coconut oil can be found in your local Wal-Mart vitamin section for only around $20 and can be used for your hair and body as well! Following my moisturizer, I proceed to "painting the barn" although since I started using Nerium I find the "barn" requires much less paint!

This regimen is guaranteed to give you flawless, beautiful, glowing skin that looks great with or without makeup!  Look out for more "bLouty tips" from Lou as I will be posting "how to" videos, skin care tips, make up application tips, and money saving tips for all things beauty related!

Remember!  Pretty is as pretty does, so do all you can to stay beautiful!


PS. For more info on that MIRACLE I mentioned (Nerium AD) click the link on the top of the page to go to my personal Nerium Site for more info!!